Greenwich Millennium Village, Phase 3, London

Phase 3 of the Greenwich Millennium Village was an environmentally sustainable development in London consisting of 106 residential units.
The development comprised of 83 no apartments split between four independent six storey apartment blocks, 15 no three storey town houses and 8 no two storey courtyard houses. The houses were divided between four individual plots.
The full development was constructed to Code for Sustainable Homes, Level 4.
This was a challenging project with an extremely tight programme and required a fast track construction delivery model to be implemented to ensure we achieved and delivered this development in line with our client's requirements.
Two tower cranes were erected on site, one with a 60m jib and the other with a 40m jib, both of which were strategically placed taking into account a magnitude of factors but most notably having the capacity to feed each individual plot at any time. In peak construction mode we were working on all eight plots simultaneously.
Greenwich Millennium Village is unique in that it is home to a thriving and established community and has been described as one of the most exciting and innovative residential neighbourhoods in Europe.